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Kern River Valley Little League


·         What are the Little League fees?


Fees are 115.00 and 125.00 for juniors.


·         My child tried out last year; does he/she have to try out again this year?


Yes, children must be evaluated at the start of each new season.


·         What will happen during the tryouts, and what should my child bring?

Your child will be running through basic stations to have skills assessed, hitting, throwing, catching, infield and outfield drills.

Gloves and cleats are required for tryouts

·         How will my child be selected to a team, and when will the teams be announced?

After completion of all tryouts your team child will be scored and drafted by a team.

·         I have more than one child; can they play together on the same team?

Only if your child’s age meet the requirement for playing on the same team.

·         What is a player pool?

Player pool is a volunteer position, your child can be placed on a list to play on teams that do not have enough players for a game, must be in the same division child normally plays in.

·         What is interleague play? Is interleague play travel ball?

Interleague play is the juniors division level and this team travels.

·         What division will my child play in? Are there any specific requirements about each division?

Age charts will be provided on the web site,, your child’s age and safety will determine the division they are assigned to.

·         What paperwork is required and how do I submit it?

Each year Little League requires: Updated medical release, concussion waiver, and school enrollment forms. (If your child’s school has changed since the previous season or you are new to the boundary, or if you are a home school child then you must provide 3 proofs of residency. The residency category can be found on the website.

·         What do the registration fees go toward?

Each year our fees are used for equipment, uniforms, field maintenance and safety. Insurance,  team charters and background checks of volunteers.

Uniform includes; hat, shirt, socks, belt. ( pants provided by player)

·         Are there fundraisers throughout the season? Is there a fundraising buy-out option?

KRVLL does not do fundraising outside of at events. However, T-mobile call up grant is available for anyone to apply for beginning January 1, 2023. This can be found on the It is also encouraged that players as for a sponsor. Forms will be provided for the sponsor with the leagues tax ID

·         Am I required as a parent to volunteer?

There is no requirement to volunteer, however it is encouraged and appreciated.

·         What is the time commitment? How many practices and games per week?

Depending on the division practices may vary. There will be o more than 3 practices a week and when games start there will be 2 games per week. When games start there will only be on practice per week. (this is different for t-ball)

·         How does the team and/or local league communicate with parents? Does the league have a social media presence?

The League does our best to communicate in many ways. Email, Face book, and individual coaches may use apps such as game changer.

·         Can I manage my child’s team?

We are always looking for coaches, if interested please complete the volunteer application on the KKRVLL. Org. This is not a guarantee, background check must be completed. Board has final say in coaches.

·         What will my child need to bring to practice?

Gloves, cleats, water. All other equipment is provided i.e., bats, catchers gear and balls, etc……

·         When is Opening Day, and what will be involved?

Opening day will be announced some time in February; this is a parade, pictures and games from the upper divisions, food and other events as able and permitted.

·         How many players are on a Little League team?

This depends on the number of sign ups, typically no more than 13 and no less than 10.

·         Does each player play every game?

During regular season play, every rostered player present at the start of the game will participate in each game for a minimum of six defensive outs ( basically, two full innings in the field, however those six outs do not need to be consecutive) and bat at least one time for the regular season game.

·         Where can I find the Little League rules?

Little League data center, and Official Little League rule book app. Local rules can be found on the site

·         What is an all-star, and how is the team selected?

All Stars’ are selected later in the season, this practice is a vote by coaches and players, and the board has the final say of the team and coaches if needed. Minimum practice and game attendance is required and additional fees collected at the time.

·         Can my child “play up” on an older all-star team?

Potentially, Yes.

·         When will the all-star team be announced?

This will depend on the season, more than likely no later than 3 weeks before closing day.

·         Do I have to sign my child up to be an all-star?

No, there are additional forms and fees for the all-star team.


Field Status

Open Open

WALLACE (10:14 AM | 02/18/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (10:14 AM | 02/18/22)

Open Open

JV BOYS (10:51 AM | 02/18/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (10:51 AM | 02/18/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:49 AM | 04/20/18)

Open Open

RANDALL (08:49 AM | 04/20/18)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:48 AM | 04/20/18)

Open Open

MT MESA (01:34 PM | 12/14/21)

Open Open

KERNVILLE (01:34 PM | 12/14/21)

Open Open

KISSACK (01:35 PM | 12/14/21)